The choice of an icon

In the last post we presented to you what we think that will have huge importance in the next decade of humanity (if the world doesn’t end this year – hehehe). Just like us, our colleagues talked about their view of what or who will mark the 2020 decade and we have to show you why their options aren’t so wise.

Jorge selected two different things: Ray Gun and Witricity
Ray Gun is a letal weapon used by the military forces. It’s not a very good idea because it has the power to cause massive destruction and kill many people. It would also encourage the terrorism and more wars.
Witricity is the transmission of energy without the use of physical connections. It’s not bad at all but it would be very expensive and, since the world economies are facing a world crisis, most of the people wouldn't be able to afford this new kind of technology.

Alexandra chose the Anonymous.
Anonymous is a group of cyber pirates that defend the free and universal access to information. If governments don’t allow this type of access is because sometimes people don’t understand that there are measures wich have to be taken so it’s best to keep them in private so that social contestation don’t take place.

3rd: Raúl and Bruno -
The choice of Bruno and Raúl was Samsung.
They chose Samsung beliving that the brand will provide to all kids in the world a better education with access to technology. This is not a priority because there are kids that doesn’t even have anything to eat and, instead of investing on the improve of human conditions, they are investing on an education model that is unnecessary!

Fred chose Apple.
This brand is known all over the world due to it´s quality, and that quality demands a high price. This Steve Jobs’s creation it’s not for all pockets so it can’t be an icon either in this decade or in another.

5th: Hugo C., Hugo S., João and Nuno -
Hugos, Nuno and João chose China.
No doubts, China is nowadays and will be in the future a major economic potency, but it’s a nation with some questionable costumes, like the use of child labour, their gastronomic habits and their political regime, so China won’t have the characteristics to be an icon.

José chose Solar Power to be the icon for this decade.
This way of making energy it’s something that had already been used in the previous decade, so it’s not new.
Besides there are some countries that are unable to use it since they haven’t access to solar light during the year (because of its position on the earth).
And also its expensive and not everyone can afford it.

Kcénia choice was Gagashion, the fashion of Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga is seen by lots of people, mainly teenagers, but not because of the eccentric and crazy clothes that she puts on, it’s because of her music and because of the message that she wants to pass. Besides that, this type of fashion isn’t practical so people definitely won´t be using her style.

Maria chose Alexander McQueen to be the icon of the next decade.
We think that it’s not a good choice because it’s like saying that Michael Jackson is going to be an icon in the next decade, because although he had left a great legacy he can’t adapt to the change of the times, due to the fact that he’s no longer with us.
Fashion is not a relevant issue to the evolution of humanity and his fashion that was very specific.

9th: Natália and Louise -
This is an Internet trend that, like many others (Hi5 for example), people use to comment on other people’s experiences so it has no importance on the evolution of mankind. We think that will disappear briefly.

Rodrigo picked Facebook.
This one (like Twitter) it’s an Internet tool known worldwide because it allows people to connect with new people and find old friends, but it doesn’t allow face-to-face interaction. So people may become addicted and, with that, they loose their ability to face contact and get more and more alone. Besides, Facebook can be really dangerous, mainly for children and I’m refering to cases of disappearences that happened in the past!

11th: Rita, Beatriz and Catarina -
Angela Merkel was the choice of Rita, Beatriz and Catarina.
This powerful lady isn’t a wise choice because in this time of crisis we need to unite the nations and make them think as one to reach a common goal and Merkel is just thinking in her country, trying to submit the other nations to the already mighty Germany. So we think that she won’t occupy a position of great political importance for much longer.

12th: Tiago and Ricardo -
Tiago and Ricardo chose a Poker player – Tom Dwan.
We think that a cards game won’t be something that will mark a decade. Where is the benefits to the humanity? Tom Dwan, who is that? He may be a great poker player but how can somebody that has no importance in the life of others be an icon?
Their choice may encourage somebody to enter the world of Poker and get addicted and because this is a money game they may destroy their lifes.

Yuan choice was K-pop, a Korean style of music
Music is culture, and culture changes from nation to nation, and an icon has to be somebody or something that marks and envolves everyone in the world. K-pop doesn’t have the possibility to become an icon because fashion and music are issues that doesn’t contribute to the evolution of humanity and specialy music with a language that it’s not universal.